Friday, February 7, 2014

Getting back into the swing of things.

Oh my goodness, it's been a long time since I've updated the blog. Since the last update, we experienced our super beautiful and magical Disney vacation. I will eventually go back and update the blog with our day-by-day experiences and photos and all that fun stuff.

In the meantime, though, a big reason of why I haven't been around to update is because first of all, my laptop decided it did not want to charge anymore and so it was rendered useless until I found the problem and purchased a new charger. It literally just came in yesterday so this is my full day back with a completely functional laptop.

The second reason is because I AM OFFICIALLY STUDENT TEACHING! And man, I feel like I have no time at all. I'm always either at some sort of meeting or writing lesson plans or working or trying to sleep for once... and I'm glad Tristan and I took our big romantic vacation right before starting all this madness because we maybe talk fifteen minutes a day now, with a few texts in between. We went from seeing each other every day to once or twice a week. I miss him terribly.

But! Life at the school is great and my kiddos keep me entertained. I am loving being back in the first grade will all of my little ones (even the crazy little ones!) Being in the school every day is exhausting but I can't think of any other way I'd rather spend my days.

After today, I have eleven weeks to go. This week has gone by so quickly! And things have been madness with my health. After we got home from our trip, I got this terrible red eye. It just got worse and the kids started asking me what was wrong with it. I've been to the eye doctor twice and it still isn't any better. I started antibiotics yesterday that will hopefully clear it up. I really miss wearing my contacts.

There's so much I want to write about, both about the trip and about my adventures as a almost-teacher. I want to tell you all about our class gerbil, and the 100th day of school and I even want to write about the book fair where I picked up some goodies. I want to... but it'll have to wait until tonight or tomorrow. Because unfortunately I just got out of class for the day and now I'm headed straight to work. Life is busy!


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